Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I hope this note finds everyone recovering well from a Christmas dinner, and more importantly Dessert!!!  Well, Ainsley's first Christmas went extremely well and I think she had a great time, and more importantly, we had a great time with her.  There wasn't a lot of stuff under the tree for her yet, but she didn't really understand what was going on during the whole extravaganza...Here are some pics of her first Christmas!  Much joy and love to you all!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Pictures

On Friday we went to Picture People to get a family Christmas Picture taken. Ainsley did marvelously and was all smiles for the silly lady beside the camera. We had taken our christmas pajamas but none of those photos were very nice so we will be trying those at home. Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Solid Foods!

Today was Ainsley's four month well baby visit which included several SHOTS! Oh no! She produced new decibels of sound not heard from her mouth during and following the event. She weighed in at 16.0 pounds which made Dr. Erica very happy! Big chunky baby! Since here weight is doing well and we have reached the four month mark Dr. Erica recommended that we start solid foods. So on the way home from the doctors Ainsley and Molly stopped to pick up some rice cereal. The results were very good. We think she was wearing as much as she ate, but she did not scream or refuse to eat so we are counting it as a win. Additionally on the plus side she could not stop clicking her tongue or trying to eat her bib. 

Here is the first attempt at posting a video and a link for new pictures.

Happy Turkey Day

Happy Belated Thanksgiving and Happy Advent to one and all. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving here in the Braun House. We were joined by family from both sides as we hosted our second Thanksgiving. Brent masterfully prepared the 21 pound Turkey whose name was Evangeline. We are almost finished with the leftovers, and if they are not gone soon we will be done with them. 
In Ainsley news she continues to be an amazing blessing (do I sound like a broken record!). On Saturday she made a giant leap and started to roll over from her stomach to her back. She only got herself onto her side but we were both ticked pink! Sunday we took Ainsley to Molly's church where she grew up for their annual Hanging of the Greens. It was a wonderful service with no crying from Ainsley and it was so special to show her off to many people that had seen me grow from about her size. She must have know it was special because she didn't even spit up on her cute christmas dress (well the one of many she was wearing). As we gear up for the Advent and upcoming Christmas season we anticipate the joy and excitement Ainsley will have from all of the celebration...lights, bows, paper, and great big boxes!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting Bigger

No matter how hard I contemplate I cannot put my finger on were the last month has gone. Ainsley turned 15 weeks this past Thursday and continues shine light in our lives everyday. The last month or so has been very busy around the Braun household. On October 15th Ainsley had her first trip to the pumpkin patch and she had such a good time sleeping right through it in her snuggly carrier. On October 19th we had Ainsley dedicated at our new church Sojourn Community Church. She wore a new dress I made her for the occasion and waited to spit up on it until after the presentaion. That same day she took her new voice out for a test drive. Although she has been giving on little coos and chirps for about a week, during lunch she hammed it up good for the grandparents. Since then she always has so much to say. Wonder where she got that from?
The biggest adventure this month was Ainsley' her first plane ride! We travel to Philli for Apple Butter Days at Wynnorr Farm. This annual tradition of joining together to make apple butter has expanded and for the past couple of years has served as a mini family reunion. This was both everyone's first trip, but will not be the last. Ainsley was such a trooper with the airplane travel and she made hardly a peep either way. First stop on the trip was to introduce Ainsley to her Great Grandmom and Great Granddad Webster. She put on an extra special show for them cooing, squeeking, and throwing away smiles. It was an amazingly special time to share with our family. Saturday was Apple Butter day full of apples, family, apples, rain, and did I say apples? Total production of quart sized apple butter was in the 170 range with 50+ quart jars of applesauce. At the end of the evening while having smores and hot dogs we dressed Ainsley up in her halloween costume: a catapillar! Although we did not get to take her out on Halloween for formal trick-or-treating she did get to dress up for her Pa and Nana! The first weekend in November I was able to get Ainsley weighed while Morgan and I were out shopping. She was up to 15 lbs even after filling her diaper!! She is doing so well eating and looks like such a healthy baby. We pray this continues as we head into the winter weather. Over this last week we have started putting Ainsley into her jumperoo several times through out the day. So far they are becoming fast favorite! She is still learning the finner points of pushing up with her feet but even when she is just hanging out she is holding her head up, looking around in every direction, and really checking things out. I posted some highlight pictures here but I have opened a Flickr account with more pictures which I will try to keep updated however I am still trying to figure out how to post things so anyone can see them. I will post the address soon (hopefully)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Some updated pictures

I think this is probably the best picture we have taken so far!! And the best part is that Molly didn't really plan it!

Month Two (did anyone see it run by)!

Well as unreal as it seems Ainsley is now 2 months old. The last several weeks have flown by even faster then the first ones. Labor Day weekend we traveled to Illinosis to visit Brent's bother and sister-in-law. Ainsley took the traveling like a champ and slept all the way there and back. Molly is now back to work several days a week and will be starting at her new office in Novemeber. This past Tuesday Ainsley went to visit Dr. Erica for four shots and she weighed in at 12 lbs 8 ozs! Go baby! Healthy and chunky. Ainsley is working harder than ever at holding her head up. During the second week of September she started flashing world's biggest and brightest smiles for reasons other than gas. No matter how stressful things are one big smile and sometimes a coo makes it all fad away. She has also become increasingly alert the last few weeks. She will stare intently at the toys on her swing as well as her bouncy chair (best thing every created). But by far the best most enteraining toy is the ceiling fan. The other day she informed us with in no uncertain terms that the ceiling fan needed was not on and that the situation needed to be rectified. Everyday is a new joy and blessing as she continues to grow bit by bit. Pictures will be coming soon.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

4 weeks old!!!

I don't know if you are as floored by that as I am...but Ainsley is 4 weeks old today! It truly has flown by! Ainsley is getting bigger by the second and we are loving every minute of it! I went back to school on Aug 12 and the transition back to work has been extremely difficult!

Ainsley is sleeping well most of the time. Her new thing is that she likes to grunt a lot in her sleep. She is fast asleep, but just makes noise after noise. So tonight she graduates into her own bedroom. She has been sleeping in a bassinett in our room, but we think it is about that time. I am sure it will be just as much of a transition for us as it will be for her. Then again, she will probably just sleep right through it!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Some updates!

Well sorry it has taken so long for me to update the blog! Being a parent sure does suck the abundant time out of your life, but Lord is it worth it!!! We have adjusted pretty well to our new life with Ainsley. She only stayed under the light until Monday morning when her levels went down. We were very excited to finally be able to hold her all the time, and even more to be able to show her off in the amazingly pretty clothes we had for her.

Her first outing was to see Dr. Erica, our pediatrician and friend from college, and to see Nannie, my grandmother. It was a busy day and we really enjoyed being able to introduce Ainsley to one of her Great Grandmothers!!

And now some pictures, just because she is so darn cute!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

We are Home!!!

Here is Molly's bear Hearty watching over Ainsley. Ainsley has a little bit of jaundice so the doctors sent us home with one of the lights so that we could keep her under them and monitor her at home. Keep us in your prayers as we handle this along with all the other things that come with being new parents.

Small back story on Hearty. Molly has had Hearty since she was 6 years old. It was a gift from her Grandmom and Granddad and she sure has seen Molly through some hard times. I know she will see Ainsley through some hard times as well and Hearty couldn't imagine not spending the first night watching over the baby!!

The dogs meet their new best friend! Cordi, the beagle, has been standing sentinel over the baby while Bella, has been letting us know when the baby sneezes or makes any noise in general! We have some interesting times ahead for us!

Here we are just before we left the hospital. I know you really can't see it, but her little outfit says "Thank Heaven for Little Girls!" We couldnt be any luckier! Continue to keep us in your prayers!

Official Nursery Pics!

Here is a link to the official nursery pictures. If it just won't work for you, go to You will need to put in the date of birth (July 24), our last name (Braun) and the city of birth (Louisville). Of course, we love the pictures!

Friday, July 25, 2008

A new hat for baby!

When the baby came back from her most recent visit to the nursery, she had this new hat on that we just thougt was so adorable!! I guess it doesn't help that we already think she is cute as a bug's ear anyway!

The Happy Family

Here is a picture that I couldn't help but post because I thought it was a great one.

Baby's Second Photo Shoot

Last night I was left alone with a camera and a very cute and alert a little photo shoot commenced and these are the some of the results. I know everyone says this, but I think my baby is the cutest baby ever!!

Last night sleep was rare for Molly, but she is a trooper and is excited to see people today and wear normal clothes...oh the little things that make us happy!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Introducing Ainsley Frances Braun

Well she is!!! Ainsley Frances was born at 10:08 this morning after a fairly quick labor process! The nurses were all surprised at how well it went. I am amazed at the whole process and am just in awe! She is doing extremely well. Weighed in at 6 lbs and 8 oz and is already a good eater. She has had her bath and had her foot prints taken and is already enjoying snuggle time with mom and dad. She did have a little bruising on her forehead from the whole process and if you notice, her little nose is smushed...Dad couldnt possibly think she was any cuter!!!!

Baby's Coming!!!

Well guys, the day is here! Molly woke up about 2:45 and her water had broken. While on the way to the hospital, her contractions started. It is about 5:45 now and contractions are more regular and they are about to do the epidural. Things are going swimmingly! Well excet for them having a hard time putting Molly's IV in...we warned them!

I will try and update it when I can...and we will definitely have pics up soon!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some more pictures

Here are some pictures we had taken last week at JCPenneys. I guess this was our first of many picture appointments at the store...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week 36 1/2

Wow!!! We are already at Week 36!! Can you believe it! Lots of exciting things going on in the Braun family! We are nearing the end of this journey and life is getting hectic. Molly has started working at Immediadent and loves it. She especially loves only working 3 days a week! She is getting more and more uncomfortable which is normal and making us even more exciting for the inevitable! What makes us even more excited is that our friends Ray and Morgan had their baby on July 3rd. Welcome to the world Baby Catherine! She is doing well and Molly and I have been to visit. Baby A (which is what we affectionately call her since we are sure on the definite name, only that it will start with an A) was not too happy about Molly holding another baby and kept kicking baby Catherine while Molly was holding her...

We will let you know more as things progress. We are just hoping for a great next couple of weeks and a bit of comfort along the way!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Molly is done with her Residency!!

As of June 30, Molly officially finished her GPR residency! Now off to the real world! She will be working at Immediadent for 3 weeks and her last day will be July 16! So now anytime after then would eb perfect for the baby to come!

Baby Shower #2

Here is the shower thrown by our church friends Melissa, Kasey, and Ginger. Thanks to Kasey for coming in was SO great to see you! And again, thanks for all the great present and even better memories...

Baby Shower #1

Well here are some pics from the baby showers! This first post is from the baby shower thrown by Molly's fellow GPR residents. Thanks to Gwinn, Delia, and Leslie. Thanks to everyone for all the cool stuff, especially the Diaper Wreath!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Week 33

Well, here we are at week 33. Can you believe that the time is flying by so quickly? We had a docs appt today and he said everything looked good and baby and momma weight gain was good. We have another appt in 2 weeks and then we start going every week!

In exciting news, the baby is kicking even more and when I had my ear to Molly's stomach tonight, the baby kicked me right in the ear. now this is behavior that will only be acceptable in utero, but it still made me very excited!

Keep us in your prayers! We are hoping to go a little early since our due date is 4 days before I have to return to work. While I do have enough sick days banked up to take a couple weeks off, I would rather not because after the first week the kids are set in their ways. Hopefully we won't have to worry about that!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Nursery...

Well here is the nursery!! All of the really hard work is done at this point. The only thing we have left to do is painting some circular canvases and putting the baby's name on it. But that would require that we know what we are going to name the baby....just a small issue. Hope you all like the room!

The Nursery...Under Construction

Here are some pics of the nursery still under construction. Thanks to my dad and little bro for helping with the floors, and to Dave for helping put the crib together. We were surprised that it was so easy to put together!!