Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Girl!

Three in the Family
July 24, 2007

Cute Bow

July 25, 2008

First BIG Smile

September 15, 2008

Baby Dedication

October 19, 2008

Christmas 2008

February 28, 2009

St. Patrick's Day 2009

Easter 2009

One year ago today our daughter was born at 10:08 am . All week Molly has been mentioning things that happened this time last year. It is so hard to believe that Ainsley is already turning into such a big girl. This week we have been switching over from formula to milk and she is able to eat most table foods with her two little teeth. Tomorrow we will be having a party complete with catepillar cake (pictures to follow!)

Signing "Please"

Over the past month or so Molly has been working with Ainsley on the sign language for "please." (This sign is made by placing your hand in the center of your chest and making a small circle.) Before Brent went to Washington DC we saw her make the sign for the first time. We were both caught by suprise and with some encouragement she made the sign again. Well last Friday she made the sign for Molly several times at one meal. And then Sunday by golly she was an old pro! There has never been any doubt in our daughter enthusiasm to eat and this is no exception. Now when you ask Ainsley if she wants some more of something and can she say please she puts her right hand to her chest or her belly and gives it several good pats. It is so funny. Its like she is communicating, "Yes, I would like some more of that to put in this tummy right here!" What fun!!

Tuesday we took Ainsley to have her one year pictures taken at Picture People. She got fussy about halfway through but with help from some goldfish crackers things were soon better. The results were amazing (and expensive). We had some taken with her current favorite stuffed animal, a malard named Max. Then some family pictures. We tried getting some of her standing up but all she wanted to do was crawl...Lastly we had some taken with her birthday dress and some purple cupcakes (thanks to Brent!). She was really not to sure what to make of the cupcakes and insisted on picking at the icing. We kept trying to have her hold a cupcake but she would rather just eat it while we held it. Looking forward to Saturday with more cake and icing fun!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Father's Day 2009
Hello World
Brent's First Wedding Cake
Look at me!
Strawberries with Daddy!
Mother's Day 2009

For more photos

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life at the speed of baby!

We cannot believe that we have reached the month of July. In less than a month Ainsley will be turning one year old. We look back to last year at this time and what changes...It has been an amazing, wonderful, and truly life changing journey. Since we posted last there have been a lot happening in Ainsley's life, hence the delay in posting! So here are some highlights!

At Ainsley's nine month well baby check up she was just over 20 lbs. This is only a pound more than the last weight check at seven months but she made up for it in height.

In the middle of May Brent made his first wedding cake. It was three days of hard work and lots of icing. Although he enjoys making and decorating cakes, he thinks wedding cakes might just be too much cake for him.

At the end of May Ainsley went with Brent and his family to Huber's Family Farm to pick strawberries. She had a wonderful time! She completed a thorough examination of several strawberries: smashing, squishing, and of course the all important taste test. When she was in the shopping cart at the market she even turned around and sneaked one out of the basket! Needless to say she was one sticky mess who had a great time.

Through out May Ainsley had been getting around more and more with scoot, pivot, reach, and some one arm pulls. But after visiting with her friend Catherine Stuart, Ainsley learned some new techniques that she was proud to show off. The very next day Ainsley pulls herself up on her knees and crawls! For the next week or so she would switch back and forth between army crawl and up on her knees. Over the past few weeks she has been pulling herself up onto her knees in her crib but just this week she has begun to pull herself all the way up to standing! Brent said that yesterday she was trying to pull up on everything that would stand still including herself!

The first week of June we took our first offical family vacation! We traveled to Savannah, Georgia and Tybee Island. On the first leg of our journey we stayed one night with Molly's Uncle Bill in Macon, GA. Ainsley had a great time showing off for a whole new audience. In her efforts to move around she got herself into the legs of their bar stools. She had great fun although she could not quite get herself free. In Savannah we visited the Juliet Low House, took a Paula Dean Tour, ate at Paula's resturant The Lady and Sons, and walked around the beautiful city. We then spent two days out at the coast on Tybee Island. Ainsley was not to sure what to think of the ocean and beach the first day. However on the second day she had a blast! And of course everything went straight into her mouth. Brent and Ainsley had a lot of fun splashing with the waves. Several times the wave would be bigger than we thought and she would get a face full of splash but she would just laugh and squeal. Molly and Ainsely spent some time playing in the sand bar splashing the water and eating sand. (Ainsley would try to eat the sand not Molly.) The last leg of vacation took us through Gatlinburg for an overnight. Brent had a good time remembering past vacations and we even took some pictures near the stream that Brent had his picture taken in as a small child. Since we have been home Brent has been enjoying his summer vacation and having lots of Ainsley and Daddy Time!

I think that brings things up-to-date and pictures will be posted soon.