Monday, November 8, 2010

This weeks thanksgivings!

This evening I am thankful for a restful weekend. On the flip side I am sad that Brent's weekend was busy with the senior class trip which was thankfully drama free but anything but restful. Ainsley and I both enjoyed the extra hour of sleep granted to us by the change in the clocks. I was even thankful for the extra sunshine I got to enjoy before work this morning. I made sure to remind myself of that feeling when I left work after the sun had set ;-).

As I mentioned last week Ainsley's vocabulary is building exponentially the only word that comes to mind is the most recent addition: "Help!"

Saturday Ainsley made up the "Mommy Song." Nothing very complicated just a little bouncy tune to the repeated words: "mommy, mommy, mommy!" The little bounce of her head and the sparkle in her eyes just melts my heart.

We have been working on potty training for a few months now and although we have had moderate success with Number One, number two has been a challenge ( no pun intended). On Saturday night we had a successful trip the potty for number two. This earned Miss A any treat from the candy bucket she wanted. Her choice: a grape tootise roll pop!

Lastly I am thankful for Elmo balloons. On Thursday night Mimi adopted an abandoned Elmo balloon from her work and brought him home so Ainsley could play with during her time at the house Friday and Saturday. Ainsley was excited to see Elmo and even more excited to through him up in the air, at which point she would have to ask for "HELP" to retrieve the balloon. She quickly learned that Elmo could not go in the sky lights because he would get stuck! She especially loved to have the balloon eat meals with her on her highchair. Needless to say she had a great time!!

Now as I am ready to post this I am thankful that Brent is on his last leg home from Senior Trip in Orlando and will be home tonight, even if I will be asleep! I am glad he was able to provide this opportunity for his students but I will be glad to have some adult conversation besides work.