Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter! The Lord has Risen!

As mentioned before we traveled to Birmingham at the end of Brent's spring break to introduce Ainsley to some more members of Molly's extended family. What an amazing blessing all the family and friends who love this little girl! One highlight was meeting Gigi for the first time.
Molly's Aunt Pam and Uncle Peter

Molly's Cousins Andrew and David in Birmingham

Ainsley helping Mommy dye some Easter eggs.

Happy Easter Daddy!

Brent and his brother Nick (with piano cuff links!)

Following Easter Lunch with Brent's family we had a light dinner with Brent's Nannie. Each interaction between Ainsley and Nannie is a true gift. Ainsley is very much in the pre-mobile squirmy stage (not sure if that is an official category) but for the most part when she sits with Nannie she limits her movement to only the most important.
Just yesterday Ainsley began to wave "Hello". She has been working on the reverse wave off and on for a week or so but then it was like the little light bulb just clicked. She has also recently discovered her toes, well as least the left ones, are good to put in her mouth. I believe she is also working on her second tooth because yesterday she had an unusually mopey, clingy day. She did however get to play in her walker at Grammie's for the first time and that seems to be a big hit. Lets just say her sock bottoms were grayish black!
This is a busy week for Molly at work but look for more pictures to come as we are going to the Sims's to celebrate Papa's Birthday/Easter tomorrow.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring is Here!

The last few weeks have been very eventful in little Ainsley's life. Last week durning Brent's long awaited spring break we took Ainsley to visit her Gigi (Sims) in Birmingham, Alabama. We camped out with Molly's Uncle, Aunt, and their menagerie. It was a wonderful trip with visiting, good food, laughter, yard sales, and a FIRST TOOTH! While enjoying our Bogangels lunch on Sunday Molly noticed the first glimmer of a tooth on Ainsley's lower right side. Ainsley also has learned to clap her hand and puff her checks out while blowing against her lips. It goes without saying that we are amazed daily by how much she is growing into a small person and no longer our little baby. It is a very bittersweet moment.

On Wednesday we took Ainsley to get professional pictures in time for Easter. I know you will all be shocked to know she was cuter than ever and hammed it up for the camera. I will have more pictures this weekend as I am planning to dye easter eggs on Saturday and of course Easter Sunday.