Sunday, February 15, 2009

Almost twenty pounds!

It is almost impossible to believe that at Ainsley's sixth month check up (actually 6 1/2 months) she weighed 19 1/2 pounds! Life has been a bit crazy here since our last storm, power outage, living with family, lots of new foods.

So far we have tried squash, bananas, sweet potatos, peaches, and purnes. Tonight she looked as if she wished she could try cupcakes! While were staying with Molly's parents Ainsley achieved a new milestone: sitting up on her own. Although she could only wobble for a few seconds at first she gets stronger every day and can now sit up for long stretches of time. With this development of sitting up Ainsley has also discovered the joy of her toys. At first she watched wide eyed as you played with the toys but now it is all her... Grabbing, swinging, chewing, and of course drooling!

Well we are all settled back in from our week with out power and the laundry has been caught up so now its time for some pictures. During the first snow day we had power so Brent cooked some yummy Key Lime Cupcakes and I played around with iMovie. So here is my second project complete with sound! Hope everyone had a sweet chocolate filled Valentine's Day... just don't forget to brush your teeth!

Please be patient this takes a minute or two to load. This is the smallest size but it still cuts off some of the in progress!