Saturday, July 26, 2008

We are Home!!!

Here is Molly's bear Hearty watching over Ainsley. Ainsley has a little bit of jaundice so the doctors sent us home with one of the lights so that we could keep her under them and monitor her at home. Keep us in your prayers as we handle this along with all the other things that come with being new parents.

Small back story on Hearty. Molly has had Hearty since she was 6 years old. It was a gift from her Grandmom and Granddad and she sure has seen Molly through some hard times. I know she will see Ainsley through some hard times as well and Hearty couldn't imagine not spending the first night watching over the baby!!

The dogs meet their new best friend! Cordi, the beagle, has been standing sentinel over the baby while Bella, has been letting us know when the baby sneezes or makes any noise in general! We have some interesting times ahead for us!

Here we are just before we left the hospital. I know you really can't see it, but her little outfit says "Thank Heaven for Little Girls!" We couldnt be any luckier! Continue to keep us in your prayers!

Official Nursery Pics!

Here is a link to the official nursery pictures. If it just won't work for you, go to You will need to put in the date of birth (July 24), our last name (Braun) and the city of birth (Louisville). Of course, we love the pictures!

Friday, July 25, 2008

A new hat for baby!

When the baby came back from her most recent visit to the nursery, she had this new hat on that we just thougt was so adorable!! I guess it doesn't help that we already think she is cute as a bug's ear anyway!

The Happy Family

Here is a picture that I couldn't help but post because I thought it was a great one.

Baby's Second Photo Shoot

Last night I was left alone with a camera and a very cute and alert a little photo shoot commenced and these are the some of the results. I know everyone says this, but I think my baby is the cutest baby ever!!

Last night sleep was rare for Molly, but she is a trooper and is excited to see people today and wear normal clothes...oh the little things that make us happy!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Introducing Ainsley Frances Braun

Well she is!!! Ainsley Frances was born at 10:08 this morning after a fairly quick labor process! The nurses were all surprised at how well it went. I am amazed at the whole process and am just in awe! She is doing extremely well. Weighed in at 6 lbs and 8 oz and is already a good eater. She has had her bath and had her foot prints taken and is already enjoying snuggle time with mom and dad. She did have a little bruising on her forehead from the whole process and if you notice, her little nose is smushed...Dad couldnt possibly think she was any cuter!!!!

Baby's Coming!!!

Well guys, the day is here! Molly woke up about 2:45 and her water had broken. While on the way to the hospital, her contractions started. It is about 5:45 now and contractions are more regular and they are about to do the epidural. Things are going swimmingly! Well excet for them having a hard time putting Molly's IV in...we warned them!

I will try and update it when I can...and we will definitely have pics up soon!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some more pictures

Here are some pictures we had taken last week at JCPenneys. I guess this was our first of many picture appointments at the store...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week 36 1/2

Wow!!! We are already at Week 36!! Can you believe it! Lots of exciting things going on in the Braun family! We are nearing the end of this journey and life is getting hectic. Molly has started working at Immediadent and loves it. She especially loves only working 3 days a week! She is getting more and more uncomfortable which is normal and making us even more exciting for the inevitable! What makes us even more excited is that our friends Ray and Morgan had their baby on July 3rd. Welcome to the world Baby Catherine! She is doing well and Molly and I have been to visit. Baby A (which is what we affectionately call her since we are sure on the definite name, only that it will start with an A) was not too happy about Molly holding another baby and kept kicking baby Catherine while Molly was holding her...

We will let you know more as things progress. We are just hoping for a great next couple of weeks and a bit of comfort along the way!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Molly is done with her Residency!!

As of June 30, Molly officially finished her GPR residency! Now off to the real world! She will be working at Immediadent for 3 weeks and her last day will be July 16! So now anytime after then would eb perfect for the baby to come!

Baby Shower #2

Here is the shower thrown by our church friends Melissa, Kasey, and Ginger. Thanks to Kasey for coming in was SO great to see you! And again, thanks for all the great present and even better memories...

Baby Shower #1

Well here are some pics from the baby showers! This first post is from the baby shower thrown by Molly's fellow GPR residents. Thanks to Gwinn, Delia, and Leslie. Thanks to everyone for all the cool stuff, especially the Diaper Wreath!