Friday, January 23, 2009

Almost Six Months

It has been a long while. Ainsley will be six months old tomorrow. No epochs in our life just tiny joys each days as Ainsley contibues to grow and develop.
Just after Christmas Ainsley learned to reach out and grab things...anything. Toys, necklaces, hair, noses, lips... But her all time favorite is to reach out for her doggies! It is amazing when her whole face lights up when they walk into her line of vision. Both dogs have been amazing during al their close-up incounters. Yesterday during snuggle time Cordelia came up next to where Ainsley was "sitting". As Cordi settled herself down  Ainsley leaned/threw her whole body toward Cordi with her arms wide open to hug her.

Ainsley has learned several new faces the last few weeks. First she learned she could stick her tongue WAAAY out, over and over again. (I credit Catherine Stuart for teaching her this trick) She has only done this one time but it was witnessed. Her next more favorite face is what we have named her piggy face. She will scrunch up her nose and mouth real tight. Sometimes when you get her going she will even puff the air out faster and then she will start laughing at herself. Which brings me to her next trick... giggles. With as much enthusiasm as Ainsley has been "talking" for the past few months she now puts this into giggling. She thinks it is especially funny that you can giggle as well.
Ainsley loves to eat! We have tried rice and oatmeal cereal that both have been a smashing success. She has learned to open her mouth and looks like my little bird from her very first days of life. She has also transitioned to her big girl highchair with no problems. This highchair is a family piece that came from my Grandmom Webster by way of my Mom. It was originally used for my Aunt Marie and then served for all the grandkids during our many visits to Mountain Home. With the help from my mom I made up a pattern and sewed a bright colorful cover/cushion for the chair.

Ainsley is also mastering the skill of sitting up. She has been getting stronger each day because the moment you lay her down she will start crunching up her whole body to try and sit herself up. It is so cute! But in the last few days she is getting much more coordinated with holding herself steady. It will only be a matter of days! 
Over the past month Ainsley has stretched out a good bit. She still has her chunky thighs they have just gotten longer. With this good growing we will be saying farewell to one of her first and our favorite baby toys... the bouncy chair! It has been a great help over the past six months but now it will move on to be used by another baby very soon (Come on Baby Purdom)! In saying goodbye to one space sucking baby toy Ainsley has fallen in love with another... her jumperoo. She has gotten better and better jumping and bouncing in her chair. Since it is easy to move we often have her in the kitchen jumping while we cook dinner or in the living room if we are watching tv. Her personal favorite is to do wii jumperoo while someone else is playing the wii fit. She thinks we are joining in on her game. Another favorite is when Brent will bounce up and down in front of her. Her face looks like she is thinking, "Wow you have a jumper too!"

Well I must finish up here as someone is in need of a second diaper change pronto!