Monday, February 25, 2008

Which one will we need?

While we were out at the mall recently, we went shopping in Old Navy and stopped to look at the baby clothes which were all on sale. Since we don't know if it is a boy or a girl yet, we decided to buy both of these outfits since we thought they were absolutely the cutest things ever. I also was able to find matching shorts for the outfit. Just imagine how cute that is going to look!!!
We are still searching for the crib we want, but so far have been able to iron out the stroller and carrier we want and narrowed a couple things down on the list of things to buy. Who knew these things were so expensive. (cue the snide remarks from my parents and Molly's who say"Duh, of course they are expensive. Have you not met yourselves?")

Week 17 - Hand Turkey Week

So you might be wondering, Why hand turkey week? In a pregnancy book we got from Morgan and Ray, at week 17 it said the baby is as big as your hand spread open. When we told our friend Lindy that, she said "Like the turkeys you used to make in elementary school." So we then started calling the baby Hand Turkey....hopefully we aren't permanently damaging the child.
Still waiting to feel the baby kick/move. Molly thought she felt the baby a couple of weeks ago when she had her hand resting on her stomach, but we aren't sure. I think that is the one thing (and only thing) that I am jealous of. How amazing would it feel to have something moving inside of you...oh well. I think I can get over it since I don't have to experience labor and all.

Week 16

I think we can all say that there is a baby in there!! This picture was taken on Valentines Day and one week after our last doctors appt. Heard the heartbeat again and the doctor said the heartbeat was very strong! Ultrasound is set for March 4th and I am more than sure that we will have pics up soon after the ultrasound.
In other news, we have succumbed to the old wives tales about how to determine if the baby is a boy or a girl. I was reading a story on about old wives tales in which they tested 5 different old wives tales on 5 different women. The only one that was correct every single time involve putting your wedding ring on a string and letting it hang over the belly. If it goes in circles, the baby will be a boy and if it goes side to side it will be a girl. Well ours went in a circle! So who knows. When we told Morgan and Ray about it, they tried it and theirs went side to side. Who knows?
Molly also went maternity shopping this week with her mom, Ginny, and found some new jeans and some shirts since it is practically impossible to fit into other clothes at this point.

Week 14

We are finally out of the first trimester, and from out of nowhere...Molly got random bursts of energy. No more going to bed at 8pm, now she can stay up til at least 10 or 11...which was sometimes even a stretch before we got pregnant!

A Little Pre Baby Training

Every Monday, Molly and I have had the pleasure of watching Morgan and Ray's little boy Andrew. Andrew is 19 months and is every bit of an excited little boy as you could imagine. One Monday Andrew was a little bit fussy...and this picture ensued...we couldn't pass it up!

Week 12

This is week 12. Baby bump is starting to grow and we are almost out of the first trimester! Clothes are starting to get tighter and Molly went maternity clothes shopping for the first time (of many) with our friend Morgan (who is due in mid July with their second). Molly started off early craving orange juice (just delightful when you also have acid reflux problems) but at this point, she started wanting cheeseburgers. I think one week we had cheeseburgers three times! Thats my kind of craving!!

Week 10

So one of the things that a friend of ours did while she was pregnant is take pictures week by week in the same outfit so that she could document the growth of the baby. (Thanks Nancy for the idea!!) This is Week 10! 1st trimester had its share of morning sickness, but Molly really lucked out in the daily sickness department. Most of her first trimester issues dealt with being REALLY tired and having to go to bed at like 8pm every night. This was also the week when we first heard the baby's heartbeat at the doctors' office. Very EXCITING!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Two Pink Lines!!! (read: We are pregnant!)

Well guys, if you haven't heard yet, WE ARE HAVING A BABY! We are going to be using this blog to update you all on what is going on. Hopefully we will post some pictures of Molly's growing belly and some cute outfits that we have already bought for the baby.

Just so you know the general information, we are due around August 4 (although Aug 8 would be cool! 8/8/08!!!). Our ultrasound will be March 4 at 3:30 and yes we are going to be finding out if it is a boy or a girl. Things are good right now and we are in the 17th week as of now. We definitely covet your prayers during this time as we prepare for this journey and while Molly is growing a person!