Sunday, November 22, 2009

I thought these were uploaded the other day but I was mistaken. Better late than never. This last week has been a stressful one on an emotional level. Our best friends from college moved to Pennsylvania on Friday to begin the next chapter in their adventure of life. Although we celebrate this day that we knew was coming we had plenty of tears to honor their departure. The last few nights Ainsley has been fighting chest congestion. Although this makes sleeping difficult she has been a big trooper! We purchased a humidifier this evening of which I have no expectations so we shall see how things go. This week we are going to be getting family pictures taken by a high school classmate of Brent's. Then on Thursday we will again be hosting family Thanksgiving. When this note is completed I have to go remove the 25 pound turkey from the freezer so it can begin the long journey to the Thanksgiving table. Not sure where it is going to fit in the already full refrigerator nor where the additional groceries I need to purchase are going to go. The joys of Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Apple Butter Day

On Halloween weekend we traveled to Philadelphia, PA to participate with the Stratton Family (Molly's Mothers Family) in the tradition of making Apple Butter. Last year this was Ainsley's first trip to meet her Webster Great Grandparents as well as cousins and extended cousins. This year although the group was smaller in number we had a very enjoyable time. Ainsley traveled very well for being 15 months old and having to sit in a confined space for two hours! Friday we spent the morning visiting with Molly's Grandmother and Ainsley had great fun playing with the "toys" from Great Grandmom's house. She never got tired of the flour/water mixer or the measuring cups that are probably older than Molly! Saturday was filled with cutting and cooking Apples. It was another gray day but thankfully it was significantly warmer this year. Ainsley has now been to the farm three times and we have yet to make it to the barn or ride a tractor but we did get some very nice pictures with Brent's camera. So I realize these pictures are overdue but so is life!