Friday, October 3, 2008

Some updated pictures

I think this is probably the best picture we have taken so far!! And the best part is that Molly didn't really plan it!

Month Two (did anyone see it run by)!

Well as unreal as it seems Ainsley is now 2 months old. The last several weeks have flown by even faster then the first ones. Labor Day weekend we traveled to Illinosis to visit Brent's bother and sister-in-law. Ainsley took the traveling like a champ and slept all the way there and back. Molly is now back to work several days a week and will be starting at her new office in Novemeber. This past Tuesday Ainsley went to visit Dr. Erica for four shots and she weighed in at 12 lbs 8 ozs! Go baby! Healthy and chunky. Ainsley is working harder than ever at holding her head up. During the second week of September she started flashing world's biggest and brightest smiles for reasons other than gas. No matter how stressful things are one big smile and sometimes a coo makes it all fad away. She has also become increasingly alert the last few weeks. She will stare intently at the toys on her swing as well as her bouncy chair (best thing every created). But by far the best most enteraining toy is the ceiling fan. The other day she informed us with in no uncertain terms that the ceiling fan needed was not on and that the situation needed to be rectified. Everyday is a new joy and blessing as she continues to grow bit by bit. Pictures will be coming soon.