Sunday, October 31, 2010

A month of thanksgivings

As the month of October comes to a close with the festivities of Halloween we turn our attention to November. In looking toward the upcoming celebration of Thanksgiving I am going to take on the discipline of posting a weekly collection of thanksgivings on our blog to help cultivate a thankful heart. So here we go...

This week I am thankful for

Ainsley's expanding vocabulary.
The last few months (I know its been awhile) have been an exponential time of growth in the words that Ainsley knows and uses on a daily basis. Several weeks ago I noticed that she said, "Okay," as clear as can be but the day before it had been "Otay." It is just one of many signs that our little girl is getting bigger and smarter everyday and that is truly something I am thankful for but at the same I'm just a little sad. Other Ainsley words include:

neat= Eat
nack= Snack
be-be= Pacifer
be-be= Baby (especially pictures of herself on Mommy's phone)
be-be= Pee pee
water=swimming pool or a drink
night night
puppies, bella, dog - however she has not gotten Cordelia as of yet
Augha/Pawpa= Brent's Parents
Mimi/Papa= Molly's Parents
ducker=dum dum sucker
walk= walk not holding a grown ups hand
payyough= playdough
jessie shoes=crocs with jessie and buzz decals

She is also starting to speak in broken and sometimes full sentences. Last week at Target we found her a new toothbrush with the cowgirl from Toy Story 3, Jessie. At first she asked, "pease out me." We explained that we must first pay for the toothbrush so her incessant mantra became, "pease pay, pease out me..." '

My Husband's sense of Humor
Two weeks ago 'Senior Wear' arrived at PRP. This is one of the big projects for the senior class sponsors that involves making t-shirts with all the senior students listed on the back. The delivery of shirts, hoddies, sweatpants is very stressful as it involves a good number of boxes and lots of students anxiously awaiting their precious new PRP wear. I am thankful that even in this stressful time my husband can have a sense of humor...

Our Healthy Baby Boy
On Monday Brent and I were blessed to have the first glimpses of our son through a 20 week ultrasound. Although we had three ultrasounds with Ainsley I am still blown away at the miracle that we get to see in the sneak peek of the baby growing inside me. The baby appeared to be very healthy with fingers, toes, legs, arms, four chambers of the heart, and all the right boy parts. I will post a picture this week but I left them at the office yesterday. The baby is due in March which is a popular time for birthdays on my Mom's side of the family. The original due date was set at March 19th but the baby was measuring to be due on March 9th. Either way the baby will arrive when he will arrive and we will be waiting for him with open and loving arms.

A surprise family dinner
The last two weeks have been hectic due to homecoming and halloween obligations and the time we normally share around the dinner table has been reduced. Tuesday this week Brent's original commitment, overseeing the junior/senior powder puff football game, was postponed due to the first serious rainfall in several months. We took advantage of the free evening and traveled to Huber's to get our pumpkins. Due to a late nap time that day we did not get to tramps through the muddy field but picked out pumpkins from the tractor wagons. After this we decided to stay and enough the Huber's Family Style Buffet. Ainsley did some damage on the family meal and I enjoyed spending time talking with Brent and of course Ainsley.

This year we decided to let Ainsley decorate her pumpkin with markers and stickers. I decided to decorate my pumpkin with Nemo so I will get extra points when we light them tonight since Nemo is the stuff right now. Here are some photos of Ainsley decorating her pumpkin with supervision concerning the sharpie markers.

A need for a Halloween Costume
This year I designed and made Ainsley's Abby Cadabby Costume. Although sometimes making things is more expensive then buying them from the store I again enjoyed the challenge and the resulting cute little muppet.