Saturday, March 22, 2008

20 Weeks

Hey guys! Long time no type! Life has been busy here! We just hit the halfway mark of the pregnancy! WOOHOO!!! Molly is feeling good and the belly quickly grows. Last night at Good Friday service Molly thought she felt the baby move again, so that is definitely exciting. We also registered last weekend at Babies R Us, which was an adventure in and of itself. Our next doctors appointment is April 2, complete with another ultrasound, so there probably will be more pictures up after that one. Until then, we are still working on baby names (can't get students faces out of my head as we try out names) and getting the nursery ready!


Weigel said...

I understand about students names-- it does make a huge difference!! I am praying for you all!!

Unknown said...

I think Niamh or Niamhitch is still a good name!!! Hope all is well. Miss you

Sister George said...

Hi! I know you are busy, but can we have an update? I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures soon!