Sunday, March 9, 2008

First Pictures

Well here are the pictures from the ultrasound done on 3/4/08. Thanks to Granddad John for scanning the pictures. The baby appears healthy and we got to see the heart, kidneys, stomach, fingers, toes and straight between her legs. She was moving all around waving her hands and hitting the camera when we were trying to get her to spread her legs... We got a video tape of the entire ultrasound which we will add to next month when Molly will have a repeat ultrasound to check the location of the placenta which was lying low over the cervix. So now it is time to begin the name game...Aunt Lindy suggested Perpetua, but I don't think that will be the one.


Sister George said...

Amelia? Amanda? You know one of those girl names from "American Girl"!

Sarah Halter said...

Hey, isn't it time for some more pictures of Molly?