Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Crib!

Well we have finally found the crib that we want! After finding two other cribs that we liked, only to realize that they were on back order for 2 months because everyone else wanted that crib as well, we found it today. Oddly enough, it is a crib we looked at early on at the Babies R Us website, but had not seen it in the store! We stopped by today and saw it in the store and walked out with a piece of paper that said they were ordering it for us. It will come in around 7-14 days, so I am sure pictures will ensue of the great day of reckoning when I attempt to put the sucker together. It looks a little more brown in this picture than it really is! It is more dark cherry than brown actually. The bed spread is on order as well and it is on our registry at Babies R Us! Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can get the room painted and the carpet pulled up and get to moving on this nursery!


Ray and Morgan Stuart said...

Ray is pretty handy with putting together a crib. He might be able to help.

Sister George said...

Okay, Great crib...Now what color is your nursery and does it have a theme, yet?