Thursday, January 21, 2010

Throwing Snowballs

Over Christmas Break, Ainsley and I, along with Grammie and Paw went to visit the Longaberger Homestead to make some baskets and do some shopping. Before we arrived there they had about 4 inches of snow, so there was a nice blanket covering the landscape. At one point while we were walking along a sidewalk, my mom reached down and got a snowball ready to throw at my dad. When she finally did throw the snowball, Ainsley erupted in giggles, and thus was born the phenomena of throwing snowballs.

Now Ainsley will be sitting at dinner, or just in her carseat, tand you can hear her putting a snowball together and throwing it at you from the backseat. We thought it would be cute to video her and share the cuteness with everyone!! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Sarah Halter said...

Love the giggles! And it's nice she's just throwing "snowballs" and not anything else.